Monday, November 19, 2018

HOMICIDE: March 29, 2018

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Homicide: Now and Then

HOMICIDE: March 29, 2018
At 5:36 p.m. on Good Friday the great beast opened its mammoth mouth and swallowed the city of Vancouver. For what seemed like an eternity the entire city had disappeared into the great chasm in the earth. And then, suddenly, the planet belched and the city, broken but not destroyed was vomited back onto the surface.
Premier Robinson, holidaying in Hawaii, said the quake was: “the worst disaster the province has ever suffered. There is nothing to compare with it. But the people proved once again that nothing can keep them down.”
Miraculously Vancouver counted only seven confirmed fatalities early this afternoon and three seriously injured — and an untold number of missing. Across the province and up and down the Pacific Coast, where giant tidal waves battered the shorelines, the death toll mounted -perhaps as high as 60. Hard hats and helmets were the Easter parade headgear attire, as the big cleanup task got under way. Vancouver mayor, Sandra Kelly, seeking re-election on a law and order platform declared from her party headquarters: “How long are decent citizens expected to tolerate such flagrant flaunting of the laws of nature? The planet must be made to understand who is boss.”

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