Thursday, October 25, 2018

Somewhere #1

Chapter 4: On The Line
There are various people around the lobby on cell phones. A strange cacophony of laughter, pleading and vocal exercises.
Mrs. Eunice Kelly mother of the bride and wearing a stunning black and white poke-a-dot dress in a call with her therapist, a doctor who is in the midst of a consultation with a fellow physician over where they should have dinner that evening.
Mrs. Kelly: “It’s too much. I need my medication… You don’t understand, doctor. If you don’t call the pharmacist and okay my medication I’ll…”
Quinn, our groom, is on the phone with his best friend, a high school friend who owns his own mortuary and is on the look for more fertile opportunities.
Quinn: “What was I supposed to do? She’s a moron. I can hardly stand to have her touch me. She gets all little girlish. Like a twelve year. I feel like a pedophile. But her old man is my boss. I gotta think of my…”

Michael Subloski, an elderly gentleman with some serious medical issues. His eyes are wide open, almost dancing, from the glass of sherry he had that morning. He is talking with his doctor, a small town physician who has known Subloski for decades.
Michael Subloski: “Taking it easy. I’ve done that all my life doc… You should see this place. And my suite. Like a prince’s… I’ve got my meds. Don’t worry, doc. And there are famous people here. Remember Mel Blanc. He won the Lady Byng Trophy… for sportsmanship… Scored the winning goal in the finals… And Terri Brennan. She had three big hits… maybe it was four… When that man is dead and gone…
Cassie Kelly, the bride, is calling her bestie, Nancy. Nancy is having her toes manicured, and her nails painted. Cassie can hear the music in the background of her friends, Strange Fruit. The music filters through Cassie’s phone and fills the lobbies waiting ears.
Cassie: “You wouldn’t believe this place, Nancy. Everything is like Daddy promised. Oh, I wish you could be here. It’s like a dream come true…”
George the hotel bartender is in an old phone booth. He is whispering.
George: “Look, she’ll pay up… You’ve got to give her some time… She’s good for the money… No, of course not… I put my ass on the line for no one.”

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