Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Assassins by David Halliday #1

Assassins by David Halliday
Chapter Three: Inside the Ford Theatre
The Lincolns stepped into their booth. They were accompanied by Clara Harris and Henry Rathbone. Everyone in the theatre stood up and applauded. The orchestra began to play ‘Hail to the Chief’. Mr. Lincoln nodded to the crowd before taking a seat beside his wife.
Mrs. Lincoln: “Where is General Grant?”
Mr. Lincoln: “He couldn’t come dear.”
Mrs. Lincoln: “I do love to talk to that gentleman. A poet. A philosopher. And very amusing. I hope he isn’t ill.”
Mr. Lincoln: “Illness from the bottle, I suspect.”
Henry Rathbone checked behind to find the Secret Service. He could see one gentleman standing in the shadows. Where were the others? Clara Harris padded his hand. Henry smiled. He had to stop worrying.
Chapter Four: Act Two Scene Three
In the darkness of the booth Henry Rathbone strikes up a match and lights a cigar. Lincoln looks over. Rathbone offers him a cigar. Lincoln shakes his head. Lincoln removes a blanket from his lap. Behind him a door opens. A figure slips out of the light into the dark. A moment later the newcomer raises a derringer and shoots Lincoln in the back of the head. Lincoln slumps forward.
The assassin screams, “Sic Semper Tyrannis”
Mrs. Lincoln screams. Clara Harris falls to the ground looking for shelter. Henry Rathbone tries to tackle the killer. The assassin pulls a knife and stabs Rathbone who falls to the floor. The assassin jumps up on the railing of the booth and leaps onto the stage where he breaks his leg. The actors stand around perplexed still shocked by the proceedings. Women in the theatre start screaming. Some men rush for the exit doors. Some men pull out guns and start aimlessly shooting. The assassin limps off the stage and out a side exit of the theatre. A carriage awaits him. He climbs in and the carriage takes off.

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