Thursday, May 2, 2019

When You Wish Upon A Star

Chapter 16: When You Wish Upon A Star

Michael Subloski is being carried up in the elevator by Helen and the hotel detective, Bobby Rousseau, his arms over each of their shoulders.
Michael: “Did you ever look back in your life. Looking back on all those great old memories. I have. And I don't have any.”
Helen: “You don't have any memories.”
Michael: “I have one memory. Every day of my life was exactly the same as the day before.”
The elevator doors open.
The trio are stumbling down the hall. Michael is singing the song, When You Wish Upon a Star.

Writer: Leigh Harline; Lyrics: Ned Washington
When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do

Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true

Helen looks at Bobby Rousseau: “He couldn’t lose.”
Rousseau: “If he hadn’t passed out from drinking, he might own the hotel by now.”
They enter Michael’s suite. Michael is laughing to himself.
They put him on his bed.
As Rousseau is taking off Michael’s shoes, Helen takes his jacket off. She puts it over a chair. His wallet falls out of his jacket.
Michael cries out: “My money! I”m going to buy one of those paintings out there. Someone said they were impressionists. I'm pretty impressed.”
Rousseau chuckles as he raises Michael’s legs and puts them on the bed
Rousseau: “We aren’t going to steal it, fella. I’ll put it in the hotel safe.”
Rousseau steps over and checks Michael’s jacket. The wallet has gone. He turns around to find Helen holding the wallet out toward him.
Helen: “It’s a lot of money.”
Rousseau looks at Helen skeptically.
“Yes. I better get it to the hotel quickly. It’s quite a temptation.”
Rousseau leaves the room.
Helen takes a blanket and puts it over Michael.
She looks down at Michael.
Michael: “You look like an angel.”
Michael passes out. Helen steps over to a nearby desk, opens a drawer than closes it quickly. She leaves the room.

Somewhere: Life Has Its Drawbacks


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