Friday, November 16, 2018



The Planet Jack: Thoughts On Here

The other evening I spent 6 hours at the hospital. I thought I was having a heart attack. I’d had one 4 years previous. It was a silent heart attack so the symptoms were not dramatic. Nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, discomfort. Well, that could be a lot of things. This evening it was extremely hot. I felt light headed. My blood pressure had soared. So I went to the hospital. Had tests. Waited. And thought about death. Death on the planet Jack is not treated the same way as it is here on Earth. On Jack, death is equated with waiting. And it’s boring. That’s the number one complaint from people who have died and communicated back. There’s nothing to do. You just wait. And when you ask those around you, who are also dead, what they’re waiting for, they just – shrug. That’s what’s so great about life. You’re always busy. Even when you’re waiting. In a hospital emergency room.

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