Monday, December 10, 2018



On Jack, morning opens with clarinets. Broken
frowns mistaken for smiles. Gargling brooks. Liona Boyd
and her spider hands. And her golden hair falling over her bare shoulders.

It takes me hours to wake. Slower than Lazarus. Hovering in that
awful universe where fish wives are screaming. And Trump
is picking vowels out of the consonants in his golden bowels.

The cat is doing the laundry. The dog is smoking a cigar. Almost anything
is possible when you first open your eyes. I feel like
something fried. Egotism has been legalized. But not
before you take the first dozen pills.

Bi Polar bears are disappearing on the western
coast of Hudson Bay. No one knows whats
happening to the East. Where the Wise Men
headed. Never heard of again.

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