Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Contract

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Making Movies 


The Contract

SAMUEL BREMMER: American culture, the film industry, Hollywood has introduced two new mythic figures into the human psyche. They are the cowboy and the gangster, the representative of goodness or innocence, and the representative of evil or corruption. Both are characters who seek that highest of all American ideals freedom. Besides representing good and evil, they also represent the country and the city. Americans have always had a distaste for urban life. It represents rules, law, restrictions. In a way I suppose the cowboy represents what most Americans would like to be, while the gangster represents what they fear they might be. Simplistic, I know, but it is the American mentality. Being a Canadian I have been both attracted and repelled by the American vision. It is highly romantic and simplistic. So what am I getting at? Well, the Canadian, being a spectator at close range, cannot keep a straight face. We are born sceptics. We laugh. And so that is why, to answer your question, we made a light comedy out of this gangster film.


black limousine skids a round a corner
a man hangs out of a window
sets off the sidewalk with machine gun fire

two men fall down
a dog bleeds with barks
an old gentleman comforts his heart
two little girls drop their dolls
the dolls scream out
a woman pushing a baby carriage abandons it for shelter
the sun seeks cover behind a cloud

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