Sunday, April 8, 2018

Daddy is waking up from Breakfast

Daddy is waking up from Breakfast



Tiredness rattles the window. Dust wrapped up in flight.
Pleading broken tongues. The tale of a kite.
Ears are being milked. Heat wave. Knees fallen from stilts.

Everyone is afraid. Tortured noise. Renegade void.
Stolen moments. Silence spits at you with a dare.
Laughter punches you in the eyelids.
Even the ceiling has taken its toll.

Lies born in the womb of her eyes. My heart's midnight bleeding sounds.

Shadows sober as philistines. Shakespeare playing a trumpet on Jarvis Street.
Juliet playing hop scotch. Romeo has his head stuck in the kitchen sink.
The drain kisses so passionately.


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